
تصميم مواقع تعليمية علي الانترنت

تصميم موقع تعليمي

أصبح اليوم التعليم الاون لاين او التعليم الالكتروني بديلا عن التعليم التقليدي، في ظل الظروف الراهنة، حيث اقفلت المدارس والسناتر التعليمية ابوابها نظرا لتفشي فيروس كورونا وخوفا على طلابنا من الاصابة، لكن في ظل هذه الظروف اثبت التعليم الاون لاين فاعليته، حيث يتاح حاليا امام الطلاب الكثير من الخيارات تمكنهم من اختيار المنصة المناسبة لهم من بين منصات كثيرة على شبكة الانترنت.

لذلك اذا كنت مدرس او محاضر اودكتور جامعي، تستطيع الان الحصول على منصتك التعليمية المتميزة من خلالنا، نحن شركة وقت البيانات شركة تصميم المواقع والتسويق الالكتروني، ننشئ لك منصتك التعليمية الخاصة بطريقة احترافية ومميزة، للتواصل مع طلابك بكل سهولة، نوفر لك موقعك التعليمي بتصميمات جذابة ومميزة تخدم اهدافك التعليمية، مثل نشر الدروس، الواجبات، تقسيم الطلاب الى مجموعات، تطبيقات للأنشطة التعليمية،والكثير من الباقات المتميزة التى نقدمها في شركة وقت البيانات.

Designing educational websites on the Internet is an old project, but it has developed significantly in recent times in all the meaning of the word on various aspects. Educational sites are no longer limited to a specific institution or an experiment that is worked out in some regions or countries, but the world is looking for a real alternative to education The ordinary and only work on designing educational websites on the Internet that
achieves the desired benefits of education and communication between teachers and students remotely while preserving both of them in terms of public safety, not to mention the other benefits of e-learning that the student reaps.

Internet and educational field

Between the international information network, the Internet, and the field of education, a very close connection, not so long ago, the matter was sometimes limited to designing educational websites on the Internet for educational institutions for the purpose of communication between the school administration and between teachers and students or between the university and students in terms of submissions and advertising Results and others The matter has evolved in the recent period, and educational websites need more interaction and more services to achieve the maximum possible interaction to provide distance education to many students, so designing educational websites on the Internet is a matter of great importance and designing educational websites on the Internet needs experience And modern technologies, which we provide for you.

Designing electronic learning sites in Riyadh

Data Time Company for designing websites, electronic stores and applications has been working for more than 13 years on designing websites for various commercial and service activities and designing educational websites on the Internet for schools, educational institutes and government and private distance learning sites. We work with modern strategies and the highest efficiency with A comprehensive and periodic update to keep up with all the new updates. Designing educational websites on the Internet is one of the most prominent things that the Data Time Company offers with many and different features, the first of which is the wonderful and distinctive designs and modern programming so that the site is fully responsive to the web and compatible with all electronic devices and mobiles

Designing educational websites on the Internet
Designing educational websites on the Internet

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